The Comfort of Orange Lights: a poem By John McKinley Pride Jr

"The Comfort of Orange Lights"

The orange lights, they must have some meaning, life is there and life seems to be every where.

These lights they shine like stars in a savior’s sky bright like fire flies bringing tears to my eyes.

I remember this place, when I was young and out of place among the walking; it was not such a grand sight then to me as it is now.

When I see them now it is like glory and a piece of my heart is put back in its place where it belongs.

The fissure that once shadowed my very being is open and over spilling with happiness of wanting to be no where but there in its midst.

Home, I miss you so and I hope to come back to live with you again amongst your glorious orange lights that bring me comfort again and again.

By John McKinley Pride Jr


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