Conspire to inspire thousands a poem By John M. Pride Jr
“Conspire to inspire thousands”
Contrive to escape the knowledge of others means of self-destruction.
They are excogitating, in finding ways to get into your mind.
Fulfilling all their own desires to bring fire from the ones they control.
Never wanting to mend the heart
Never letting the white dove free from their grasp; breaking the olive branch.
Sitting upon hills looking down laughing at the ignorant they have built.
They sit upon a pedestal built by the blind.
Conspire to inspire thousands
Yet the ones with blood money will make you a pariah to those you try to lead.
What words can you speak and will they change the world?
What words can you write and will anyone read them?
Will they change the world?
What will they change if you do not speak out loud?
What will it change if the words stay in your head?
What would it change if they cannot hear you?
What will it change if you don’t share your dreams with even the ones that you think don’t care for you?
By John M. Pride Jr.