Naked Sleep: a poem By John McKinley Pride Jr

"Naked Sleep"

She said she thought of me and I told her the same, pictures would flash in my head of her and I in bed. Thoughts wouldn’t go away; it wasn’t watching the sun set it was dreams of naked sleep. I would hold her tight and think of her like an angle; naked sleep it won’t leave my memory, making love to her through the night hoping I was doing every thing just right. Naked sleep it has me and it will not let me go; it’s just her that I want, no one else she had my mind going and my temperature rising with my heart racing on fire. I thought I was going to explode I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t rest, I could only think of her and naked sleep. I didn’t know if I should weep or feel like a creep because all I could think of was naked sleep. With her on my mind and naked sleep all the time all I really wanted was her all this time.

By John M. Pride Jr.
5/2/96- 3:06am


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