My Lonely Disgrace: a poem By John McKinley Pride Jr

"My Lonely Disgrace"

My tears grasp part of me that never feels and they will never let me go. This is it, this is where my head begins to spin and my defense falls like a plague. Oh, your beauty let it shine upon my face again and keep me bound upon my knees forever. This heart can be warm again, it can grow again and these veins that run cold can flow with true love again. Shine your beauty upon me like before, like vines my arms reach for you; like flowers my eyes open to you and like a gentle wind you speak to me. Grow with in my heart and grow with in me; find this way to never loose me, find this way to find the words I need to say that will never leave my lips again only to fall from me and never reach you. These tears they roll on and down my face descendant in grace I fall, fall, fall from my lonely disgrace.

By John M. Pride Jr.


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