My Addiction to Conviction (Spoken Word Poem): a poem By John McKinley Pride Jr
"My Addiction to Conviction"
Conviction has become my addiction and my addiction has become me; I can not lie or steal.
Feel this love inside of me is it ok?
What have we learned so far and how have we gone from here?
Must I think of these things and is it ok?
Where does the heart fall and how big of a hole is left if it is taking from us?
If we fall how deep is it from here where it seems like hell has frozen over; would you spit in my face?
I guess we will find out; push your hand towards mine and I will see the look upon your face.
Be it ice or fire I will love you without end; I will always be here for you but I can not lie for you forever.
Oh what to do?
When you have some type of pain everyday in your mind; a constant tragic life were magic becomes your night.
To have and hold a solid foundation just to let it fall into a puzzle of problems on your desk of questions not yet answered it never seems to put it's self together.
You are always missing a piece and if you look down at the riddle you have created your self; you miss the truth every time and you put your thumb down on the pieces that make your life; never seeing the picture in the end because of so many empty spaces never to be filled.
By John McKinley Pride Jr