The Fear of Hate: a poem By John McKinley Pride Jr

"The Fear of Hate"

We find this way of making sense of all are wrongs by blaming others only to put are self’s at the mercy of are own hate. This tragic drama we call life is short, long, tragic and beautiful; but more often then anything diminutive it will always be. We fallow the straight and the winding roads too our own happiness some times to bump in to others on the way there never thinking of them on are way. Hoping there road is away from life’s disappointment and dismay; I have lived my life and seen many come and go; only to shake the dust of them off my boots as I shut the door behind me on the lies they tried on me. I am not afraid to walk alone in this life from right to left; back to my right only to sway slowly to my left again; what you see in this life might be calm but yet cruel and some times wild but tame, in the end I wish we all could be the same.

By John McKinley Pride Jr



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