Cutting the Lions Mane: a poem By John McKinley Pride Jr
"Cutting the Lions Mane"
This throne of thorns how long have I sat here and bled torment that seems to never leave me.
I’ll pretend that I even care and walk away from it for a day only to seek it again for the love of a friend to find my way back tripping on a crack of hatefulness and jealousy that flows from those who try to take the heart out of every thing I do.
My heart is big and full of life scared maybe but strong; stitched back together by seeing the work of those who are selfish and full of them selves.
Oh, I wish I could bring the lion out of me some times but it always ends up been a cub of fear and the tears of a crocodile.
By John M. Pride Jr.
This throne of thorns how long have I sat here and bled torment that seems to never leave me.
I’ll pretend that I even care and walk away from it for a day only to seek it again for the love of a friend to find my way back tripping on a crack of hatefulness and jealousy that flows from those who try to take the heart out of every thing I do.
My heart is big and full of life scared maybe but strong; stitched back together by seeing the work of those who are selfish and full of them selves.
Oh, I wish I could bring the lion out of me some times but it always ends up been a cub of fear and the tears of a crocodile.
By John M. Pride Jr.