
Showing posts from September, 2011

The Lady & Mr. Moon (The Angel & The Moon) By John McKinley Pride Jr.

This is an Idea that I got from an old Bob Dylan concert poster. I have not done Gouache for very long and this is only my second try at it but I really am enjoying it.

"Desirea" By Pattimari Sheets and Poems By John M. Pride Jr.

This will be the 14th book I have had the honer in been a part of with Pattimari Sheets-Diamond and company it has been such a pleasure to be a part of such a wonderful experience. My Poems in "Desirea" 1. "The Day the Sea Swallowed the Sun", 2. “The Wolf’s Clothing” (How does Pan Ware you?), 3. “Hands Aflame”, 4. “Grey Matter”

Hands Aflame (Revised) By John McKinley Pride Jr.

“Hands Aflame” (Revised) With my hands aflame, I push you away. You stand red faced, like a tyrant in shame caught in your acts. Bring your echo loud and clear. I push you away with my hands aflame; they have never burnt the same. You fear me because you know me; your echo stays loud and clear, Repeating your hiding fear that’s there inside of you. There is a fire that burns within my hands, and it consumes the air around me the same today as yesterday. My hands, charcoal black, smoldering and burning, Are a bright red like a black smith’s fire. I light the night with sparks clanging from my very heart that molds the fighter in me. There is no water that can cool this heart. There is no water that can put out this flame. It has become eternity and it has become golden. My hands aflame, I will push you away and you will see a different light in me. By John McKinley Pride Jr 8/8/11